
Incident/abuse reports

When IP addresses from our network are the source of spam or are attacking other systems, we often receive abuse notices. We're forwarding these notices to individual members who should then secure their VPS. The notices may also be precautionary when services which are known to be exploitable are available from the public Internet.


Your MySQL/MariaDB database is publicly accessible on port 3306 over IPv4. If possible, it is best to configure the database to listen only on localhost, e.g. in my.cnf:

bind-address =

If you need to connect to the database remotely, you could restrict access using firewall, so that only selected IP addresses could connect.


Your PostgreSQL databae is accessible on port 5432 over IPv4. If possible, it is best to configure the database to listen only on localhost, e.g. in postgresql.conf:

listen_addresses = localhost

If you need to connect to the database remotely, you could restrict access using firewall, so that only selected IP addresses could connect.


There is a publicly accessible samba (smbd) instance running on your VPS. It is highly recommended to use VPN and allow access to samba only from your private network. Alternatively, you can use protocol with better security, such as SFTP over SSH.


There is a DNS resolver running on port 53 that is publicly accessible over IPv4. DNS resolved should be configured to either listen only on localhost, or to resolve queries from selected networks, e.g. addresses of your VPS or your private network.

Openly accessible DNS resolvers are frequently used in amplification attacks – the response sent by the server is much larger than the request. The attacker can use this to direct server responses to the victim.


Your MySQL/MariaDB database is publicly accessible on port 3306 over IPv6. If possible, it is best to configure the database to listen only on localhost, e.g. in my.cnf:

bind-address =

If you need to connect to the database remotely, you could restrict access using firewall, so that only selected IP addresses could connect.


Your PostgreSQL databae is accessible on port 5432 over IPv6. If possible, it is best to configure the database to listen only on localhost, e.g. in postgresql.conf:

listen_addresses = localhost

If you need to connect to the database remotely, you could restrict access using firewall, so that only selected IP addresses could connect.


There is a DNS resolver running on port 53 that is publicly accessible over IPv6. DNS resolved should be configured to either listen only on localhost, or to resolve queries from selected networks, e.g. addresses of your VPS or your private network.

Openly accessible DNS resolvers are frequently used in amplification attacks – the response sent by the server is much larger than the request. The attacker can use this to direct server responses to the victim.


There is a malware running in your VPS. There's probably a vulnerability in your websites or other publicly accessible service. It is also possible you have a weak SSH password. Malware usually makes the VPS a part of a botnet, which is then used to attack other systems, send spam and mine cryptocurrencies.

We can find the vulnerable application by looking at the system user the malware is running as and the path to its executable. For example, if the user is www-data, you can be certain it is one of your websites. The incident report further includes the path to its executable – you can read it yourself from '/proc/<pid>/exe'. If you're using containers, you can use the cgroup path as a pointer to which container it is, e.g. compare the cgroup path with docker ps. Note that /proc/<pid>/cmdline (usually seen in top and ps) might be made up by the malware.

If the malware is running as an unprivileged user, it can be enough to kill its processes, remove its files, update the application, the system, change passwords, etc. Consider that the malware had access wherever the system user it run as had access. Malware often uses cron to launch itself repeatedly, check /var/spool/cron for malignant crontabs.

In case the malware is running as root, nothing in that VPS can be trusted. Unless you've been prepare for such a situation and have checksums of all files, you can never know what it changed and what backdoors it made for itself. It has access to all of your files, including configuration files with passwords, etc. Packaging systems can check integrity of installed packages, but that won't include your data and system configuration files. It's best to reinstall the VPS and configure it anew.


memcached is often used for amplification attacks. The attacker uses your memcached server to send responses to victims, as the response is much larger than the attacker's request. If you're using memcached only locally, it is best to have it listen only on localhost. In case you're using memcached from multiple VPS, secure it using the firewall to not be available from the public Internet.


Portmapper, or rpcbind, is a part of NFSv3. You have it running most likely because you're using NAS. Portmapper is used by the NFS client to discover which ports on the NFS server should it connect to. rpcbind shouldn't be available from the public Internet, as it is often used in amplification attacks. rpcbind's response is much larger than the initial request, which the attacker uses to overwhelm the victim.

Portmapper listens on port 111. We can block it, but we must allow existing connections:

iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 111 -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 111 -j DROP

ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 111 -j DROP
ip6tables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 111 -j DROP

Note that iptables rules configured like this will be lost when the VPS is restarted. For these rules to be persistent, consult your distribution's documentation.


There is a redis server running on port 6379, which is publicly accessible over IPv4. It is recommended to configure redis to listen only on localhost, or to protect it by firewall.

manuals/vps/incidents.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/15 07:14 by aither